The interesting case where DBCC CHECKFILEGROUP started to require a DB (x) Lock for some DBs after storage migration (SQL2014)

I was quite puzzled with a situation that happened recently and i find it interesting to share, well it could help someone in the same or similar situation that have bypassed this issue by using DB Snapshots (run integrity checks againts those same snapshots, among other approaches)… Basically, what started to happen after migration, was

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The need for having something palpable when managing data/ sql/ private cloud

First of all, I hope I can provide some degree of inspiration @ your DIY in the next minute! Living is becoming more and more virtual, stuff around us like simple buttons are being replaced by touch and we are surronded by screens… So to be honest I had a need to build something that at the same time has

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Leveraging Context_Info & Extended Events for Deadlock Troubleshooting

Hellooo, yet another article related with deadlock troubleshooting for future reference. Who hasn’t ever needed to capture value of variables passed for a stored procedure that was part of a deadlock and was the victim(or not)…? The main objective of this article is to present an idea on how to output variables to extended events when

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Infrastructure as Code (IaC) in Azure, building an Highly Available SQL Server(FCI) with S2D+SOFS & Disaster Recovery(AG) in multiple Datacenters

*1337 Tech alert: Azure, IaaS, IaC, SQL Server, AlwaysOn AG/FCI, Networking, Clustering, VPN Vnet2Vnet, S2D, SOFS, Load Balancers, Health Probes… Helloooo! Besides SQL Server 🙂 On of my current professional personal pet projects is around Azure, I always liked Infrastructure/ networking related stuff; actually I was a SysAdmin back in 2004 managing stuff from DCs to Exchange,

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Future: Leveraging Windows Server 2016 S2D with SQL Server 2016 to build hyper-converged clusters for the “Automated Datacenter” | Cloud/OnPremises

Hello! With the release of Windows Server 2016 and the “great/awesome/fabulous feature” storage spaces direct(S2D) that has the concept of leveraging local storage to build a “virtual-san”, with different storage type from SAS/SSD/NVMe to generate different storage tiers/caching that can be both applicable on the cloud and on premises, this is game changer for SQL,

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Beware of SQL Server Online Index Rebuilds with an unexpected Update Stats causing locking and deadlock storms on complex distributed environments

Hello, Hope everything is running great! It is not that uncommon, that large/complex database environments might have an overlapp of maintenance commands being executed, being one of the classics the one bellow: Tipically DBA’s design their maintenance processes (that might include Integrity Checks/ Index Rebuilds/Reorgs/ Update Stats) to run on a daily basis under a

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Exotic Troubleshooting in SQL Server Transactional Replication on *very* busy Subscribers + WindDbg + WPR & WPA

Hello again! 3 conditions need to be true for me to write something, 1st is having a little bit of spare time,the 2nd is to write about something that nobody hasn’t really blogged about (my search skillz might not be that 1337) and inspire at least one person to learn something new and stimulate curiosity. Moving forward to

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World Wide Distributed SQL Server Service Broker Instances + C# Dev + Azure Service Bus-EventHub + Stream Analytics + Scale-Out Challenge

Hello! As a frequent flyer I like to sleep on the airplane but since sleep is overrated and I’m in a long term relationship with Data Platforms 🙂 , I decided to write about one of the projects that I’m working on. Can’t disclosure all the details about it (NDA kicking in…), but I can

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SQL Server Availability Impact on BigBox – Non yielding Resource Monitor after changing NUMA-NODE Processor Affinity causes instance to failover

Change NUMA-Node Processor Affinity is an online operation that can be done without causing downtime but I have experienced that it can lead to bring an instance offline if the resource monitor takes long time to free memory and keeps generating Mini-Dumps, at #51 it will bring the instance offline. Started to have Non yielding

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